Our nursery suite of rooms covers a large, flexible area with space allocated appropriately for different age groups and activities at different times of the day. One area of the main room is separated so that babies can be kept safe but still be able to look around them and learn from the older children too. A separate room is available for the babies and children who still need to have a daytime sleep and a further room is used for 2-3 year’s key group time.
The nursery has its own children’s and adults’ toilets and baby changing facilities.
Adjoining the nursery is an outside play area with a protected surface. Children also use the Academy Gallery for physical education and music and movement activities. There is also an extensive garden and grow area, mud pie kitchen and a separate den area. Areas of the Academy playing fields are also used as appropriate for nature walks and sports activities. Mother and baby swimming lessons are provided for the community by the Academy and are available to be booked on an annual or termly basis in advance. Please contact the Academy Bursar’s office for more details, Mrs Carrie Osborne, tel: 01522 880400
Books are borrowed regularly from the Branston Community Library on site and all children are introduced to the young children’s section and attend the library’s story time sessions and activities on a regular basis – parents/carers are encouraged to enrol their children at the library so that they can make extra use of this facility to borrow books and videos for home use. The library has opening hours convenient for most parents/carers to use at some point.
Staff choose the equipment provided with suitability and safety in mind. Indoor and outdoor equipment is cleaned and checked for safety regularly and children are encouraged to use all equipment safely and sensibly. Storage of all equipment is undertaken with Health and Safety issues in mind.